Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Questions
SAS is Statistical Analysis System, it was developed by SAS Institute for advanced analytics, multivariate analyses, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics, SAS was developed at North Carolina State University from 1960.
Bachelor or Master Students can in this course.
Yes, there are separate sessions for clinical concepts with 200 questions to practice and understand.
Not required. But Regular practice of trained session required. SAS is one of the programming language.
Analyzing Clinical Trials Data using SAS Software with CDISC principles and which supports Safety & Efficacy of the drug by creating analysis datasets and reports.
Base SAS
Advanced SAS
SDTM IG discussion
ADaM IG discussion
TLF's Programming
Interview Preparation
Mock Interviews
you can send whats App message or email to ""
You can speak with trainer within 24 hours of Whats App message or direct call or email.
All classes are through online only.
Not necessary. Course designed for all students. From first class onwards you will familiarize with clinical terms.
Yes, for groups of students enrolled in the same session discount will apply.
Industry experienced trainer with Base, Advanced and Clinical certificates.
Required material will be sent to the student after the class.
Generally, classes would be taken in week days and weekends. For exact timing email to
Generally, classes will be conducted on every Morning, Afternoon and Evening timings.
Yes, there is separate weekend batch.
For fee details email to
To successfully complete a course, you must attend all the classes, discuss and clarify your doubts. Complete assignments or tests if conducted.
After training guidance will be provided for job search